Friday, September 30, 2011

What Seniors Are Looking For

Finding yourself single again after what seems like a life time of marriage and being over 50 can feel like falling down the proverbial well. At least half of women over the age of sixty live alone compared to only one out of 6 men. Dating has certainly changed a lot in the past 30 years or so. It is not all that unusual to see granny's buying condoms with their support hose. Older men are also a bit confused by modern dating etiquette, and are somewhat uncertain as to whether to be chivalrous, treat their female date with the same consideration as a male friend, or go dutch treat.

Several old television relic’s have proven more than once that we all have a come back or two in us, but with every failed date that idea, like the natural color of our hair, is slowly fading away|Most of us would like to believe that we can come back from the ashes of a previous relationship a few times, but after a while, with little luck, hope will no longer seem so spring eternal anymore|Approaching a relationship the second or third time around can be pretty daunting, especially if you have been out of the game for a few decades because of a successful relationship.  Finding yourself splitting in your 50's can be a very shattering experience. Becoming a widow or widower is even more so. People tend to be a bit more set in their ways and comfortable with their life styles when they are in their 50's and beyond. This makes it much more difficult to find someone compatible than when you are in your more flexible 20's. If you are looking to find someone who just meshes with you and your lifestyle, the odds are severely against you. If you intend to find a new life partner, then you must be prepared to do a few changes. These do not have to be radical, but you do need to do some things differently. Personally, I always hated golf, but I took it up so that I would have a better chance of finding someone – and hey, I grew to like it, so it was not a waste.

I have had dates that demanded I pay for half the meal, the gas they used to come to my home and pick me up, and to add insult to injury demanded that for our next date I pick them up,  how pig headed is that. I guess I am not that liberated yet. You will often have to sit through an obnoxious evening of stories about their current job or past profession, their deceased wife,  ex girl friends, how good they are in bed, and how their hemorrhoids are inflamed and they cannot sit for another minute. Oh, and to top it all off, proceed to tell you that they have a new prescription for Viagra.

And its no picnic for the men.  The most recurring male horror story is the woman who is trying to control from the first date, or someone who is in such a hurry to set their hooks in that they are trying to move in after a couple of weeks. All of these are symptoms of a fundamental incompatibility with each other from the get-go.

Why is it so hard for seniors to find someone compatible?  Life is purported to be simpler as you age. Unfortunately this does not seem to apply to mature people dating. So what is the problem? It is not as if we are amateurs in the dating game! It is not as if we do not know what we want. So why is it so tough? Could it be we have our standards set too high? Most likely the answer is no! Older people want the same things that the younger set are are searching for in a relationship. They all want:

1) Someone To Listen
2) Someone To Care
3)Someone Interesting
4)Someone Compassionate
5)Someone Loving
6)Someone Understanding
7)Someone Compatible
8)Someone With Similar Interests
9)Someone With similar Values
10)Someone To Share Our Lives With
11)Someone Who Respects Me
12)Someone I Can Respect

Is that too much to ask for?

After discussing my personal life with some of my good friends. My friends suggested that I try one of the dozens of senior dating sites available online. I have to say that I was loath to try a dating site, but after some encouraging insights from my friends, and after finding myself seriously considering proposing to my vibrator, I decided to give it a go. I turned on my computer and looked for senior dating sites. There were too many. It was just too much.

It was a little confusing for me at first. As I said, there were so many sites I didn't know which one to try, I was completely out of my league. I explained my dilemma to one one my friends and she suggested a site for me. This site is a dating site rating service. They have tested thousands of dating sites, and have a list of the sites that they recommend. All of them are categorized to make it easier to select. My friend said that she had signed up to a couple of the recommended sites just to make sure that she would find someone fast.

She said that is how she met her boyfriend. And all this time I thought she met this wonderful man at work, boy was I taken aback. So I gave the same ones a try, it was simple I just created a profile, told them what I was looking for in a man, and they did the rest. It didn't take long before they had several men that were exactly what I have been looking for. I'm in dating heaven! For the first time in in what seems like centuries I am actually going out with fabulous men and enjoying my self, life does get better with age.

If you are a mature man or women and you are searching for the person you want to spend the rest of your life with with, then take the first step. Check out the link below and join one or two of the sites. You will never regret it.

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